CTC Quarterly report. March, 2024

Community Organizing for Prevention March 2024 Quarterly Progress Report  Names of those contributing to the writing of this report:  Meghan Ingle (Community Mobilizer)  Coalition Mission and Vision Montrose Communities That Care is a welcoming coalition that invests...

CTC Quarterly Progress Report. December, 2023

Communities Organizing for Prevention Quarterly Progress Report Grantee Geographic Area of Focus Montrose Communities That Care (CTC) East Montrose County Agency Hilltop Community Resources Phone Number 970-244-0495 E-mail meghani@htop.org Names of those contributing...

Partner spotlight: Partners of Delta, Montrose and Ouray

Partners of Delta, Montrose and Ouray is a nonprofit organization dedicated to building one-to-one mentoring partnerships between young people and responsible, caring adults. The program began in 1987 and has served hundreds of youth and volunteers in our community....

Community Resource Assessment

A key goal of the Communities That Care effort is to identify which risk and protective factors and problem behaviors are prevalent in our community, then implement evidence-based programs and strategies which address our community’s profile. Data workgroup members...

Positive Youth Development

Positive Youth Development is an approach that guides communities and organizations in the way they organize services, opportunities and supports so that all youth can reach their full potential. PYD training and approach helps adults see young people through a...